Website powered by
Lonnie Harrison
Lonnie Harrison
freelance concept artist/illustrator
Wildomar, United States


hello everyone! my name is Lonnie Harrison. I am an concept/illustration artist based in sunny southern California. i have a bachelors in media arts and animation with a focus on Visual Development. i do my best while working in a team environment where constant feedback is the norm. i have played team sports all my life, the importance of a concentrated team effort is not lost on me. i am the proud father of a hansom baby boy and beautiful baby girl i hope to lead them by example every day of their life to not give up on their hopes a dreams in the face of adversity. We only have one life, why not make it one we love.

if you enjoy my work and would like to hire/contact me plz email me at:

thank you for your interest,

Lonnie E Harrison


Concept ArtConcept DesignEnvironment DesignCharacter DesignProp Design

Software proficiency



  • general artist at trinity capital investments
    Irvine , United States of America
    January 2015 - Present

    graphic design

    character design

    rigging in after effects

    background painting (for animations)

  • Lead Character Artist at Ensignia Games
    Orange County , United States of America
    January 2012 - January 2014

    lead designer for project

    card design

    ui design

    board design

    box design